Comments are welcome. You may report facts or rumors, engage in speculation, write opinions, offer positive thoughts to Gail's family, etc. You may NOT say something libelous or slanderous, start fights, be a rude jerk, or try to make the focus of this blog all about you.
Comments can be made anonymously. This blog will not force you to sign in to any service to identify yourself. Note that I have installed a comment program called Disqus which automatically logs IP addresses. Blogger automatically signs blogs up to Google Analytics, and they too log IP addresses. No one else will see these but me, I won't reveal them, and I absolutely cannot link a person to a specific IP address; however, I do want you to be aware that most blogs including this one have IP logging enabled. If you want to hide your IP on this and other webpages, check out anonymous proxy servers. There are several available online, many of them free.
About outing people: Anonymity is important, especially since Websleuths members risk banning for posting here. Do not "out" people who post here anonymously. If you out someone who has posted here anonymously or with a pseudonym, you risk having your comment deleted being banned. This goes for guesses as to who they "really" are, too. It is also not allowed to out people from other websites. I understand that sometimes it's not much of an outing because the person hasn't kept their identity very secret, but we need to be as fair as possible.
Comments will sometimes be moderated. That means some comments will have to be approved before they appear on the blog. I plan on doing this if it's necessary because of content control, spamming, trolling, or if I will be away from the blog for a lengthy amount of time.
Comments may be deleted. A comment may be deleted if it is libelous, trolling, intended to start a fight, contains obviously false information, is an attempt to "out" a poster who wants to remain anonymous, or any other reason I see fit.
Comments may be edited. I try to moderate as lightly as possible here, which means if your comment is fine except for a couple of words, I will delete them and note them as "snipped" or "redacted."
Be warned: I will rule the content on this blog with the iron fist of vengeance if I have to.