Saturday, January 28, 2012

Matt Palmgren Arrested

I haven't kept up with Websleuths so I didn't know until today that they had closed Gail's threads again. Seems like a silly decision, since I have a feeling we'll be hearing about Matt Palmgren and friends for quite some time. Either the Facebook page is also closed down, or Facebook has changed their permissions, because I can't read it anymore.

Anyway, Matt got his fool ass arrested for trespassing today. I'm curious to know, does the date for this trespassing allegation coincide with the date Matt's brother was on Facebook bragging about videotaping Arlene Durham's property to "prove" she was breaking local animal ordinances?

WRCBtv coverage

Times Free Press coverage

Comments are turned on if you want to leave any.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Body Found Near Crash Site Likely Gail Palmgren

Remains believed to be those of Gail Palmgren found on side of Signal Mountain. Forensic specialists from UT in Knoxville have been called in to investigate.

Matt Palmgren's criminal defense attorneys have released a statement that puts forward their theory on what happened. As far as I know, law enforcement has not confirmed Gail "lost control of her Jeep on East Brow Road on April 30, 2011 at approximately 12:25 p.m." as the statement claims. Officials don't even know that the body is Gail's, yet Matt's lawyers are already telling us what happened, down to the minute. Unbelievable.


This case has been horrifying from day one, not simply because Gail Palmgren went missing after multiple 911 calls during a bad divorce where her husband reportedly acted in a threatening manner. It's because so many people who should have cared about Gail didn't, not until she disappeared. Some not even then. When people gathered to try to search, put out fliers, help in some way, they were not given the info they needed from law enforcement and were deliberately thwarted by Gail's own family. Several people close to her were clearly put out and even irritated by what had happened. People immediately believed the worst in Gail, not just online commenters posting on message boards that Gail was planning to steal the kids and had already stolen hundreds of thousands of dollars, but her own husband hiring lawyers to tell the media Gail was "flat fucked up." Law enforcement had an obviously blase attitude about the whole thing. And once the case became public, people -- some strangers, some friends, some in the pseudo-media -- used the case for their own agendas, everything from trying to show off on Websleuths to drama mongering to radio show ratings.

On multiple occasions, I would attempt to contact someone who was closely involved with the search to ask questions about the case or see what I could do. Usually I received no response, although many times these same people would be posting feverishly on Facebook or Websleuths about whatever unrelated drama was going on at the time. Yet whenever they were embroiled in unrelated drama, they would email me demanding I change my opinions to theirs, to show my loyalty to "their side," or to edit what I had written here or on other websites.

I am so unbelievably sorry for Gail. I'm sorry we live in a world where a woman can go missing, can have a catastrophic wreck right across the street from homes and not attract enough attention or care to be found until some tree trimmers stumble across her Jeep several months later. I'm certain this will ultimately be called an accident -- Matt's lawyers are already saying it was an accident, even though forensics hasn't even begun to investigate -- and everyone will move on with their lives. Nothing will have changed except some of the people Gail left behind now hate each other, and there will always be lingering questions as to what really happened, but no one will do anything about it.

Gail, I know what your real friends have said about you and how much they cared. I know you left two beautiful children who you loved very much and who loved you in return. You were strong and smart and standing up for yourself in a difficult divorce situation. If there is a silver lining here it is that your legacy will live on in your children. I did not know you, but as long as I live I will not forget you or what this situation has taught me. I wish you peace and rest and love.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Gail's Jeep Found (Updated)

They found Gail's Jeep. No body was inside. (From the Times Free Press.)

I hope more than anything that the Jeep is in good enough condition for evidence, no matter what evidence is found.


WRCBtv -- Their first article earlier today when aerial searches began, before the Jeep was found.

Chattanoogan article

WRCBtv article (updated, also with video) -- This one says Sheriff Hammond doesn't think the vehicle can be airlifted out.

News Channel 9 -- A brief quote from Arlene.

The Examiner

News Channel 9 -- a quote from the article:

Sheriff Hammond says the area where they believe her jeep was located, is, in fact, an area where they received one of the last hits from her cell phone.

So they knew there were pings in this area but didn't search, or at least didn't tell the media they searched the area? Didn't let volunteer searchers know? What a nice bunch of people they are.


Websleuths' thread is up, though it's very slow right now and few of the regulars from before it was shut down have shown up, for obvious reasons. BGHN has a few good threads for discussion of this. The Times Free Press article has a ton of comments.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Gail Wristbands Now Available

NEVER STOP SEARCHING bracelets are now available.

The cost is $5 donation per wristband plus minimal U.S. postage, usually 65 cents in the continental U.S. All proceeds go to benefit the fund to further investigation and search efforts to find Gail Palmgren.

Front of the bracelet says GAIL PALMGREN 04.30.11 with a ribbon in front of the G. The back says NEVER STOP SEARCHING with a heart after the G in the word SEARCHING.

If you want to order bracelets, email

UPDATED: Six Months Later News

These links were already posted yesterday, but I thought a more in-depth post was in order.

Callie Starnes' report on WRCBtv runs at nearly 7 minutes. It's a good summary with a very even tone. A few new things are included in the report: Footage of Matt and one of his lawyers at the news conference refusing to answer Callie's question, a photo of Tammy Helton, and news that Arlene Durham has given the video (I believe the lake house security video) to the FBI.

Here's my attempt to embed the WRCBtv video, but it's being persnickety and if it doesn't work, you'll need to click here and watch it on their webpage directly. Here's the WRCBtv video transcript.

News Channel 9 WTVC also did a brief report, where Clive got a good comment in about wanting Matt Palmgren to speak to police. I was also very amused that while the reporter was discussing Matt filing a police report complaining that Arlene harassed him by taking photos of the Ridgerock house, they showed their own new footage of the very same Ridgerock house. I eagerly await Matt filing a harassment report against WTVC and WRCB, too. OH WAIT.

News Channel 9 report transcript.

News Channel 9's Facebook page with discussion about Gail's case.

Callie Starnes tweeted during the WRCBtv show. You can find all her tweets here in my previous post. We learned through her tweets that Matt took Diane Nichols to court to try to get the $17,000 Gail gave her for safe keeping back, but the money is still with Diane. We also learned through both tweets and the report that the media didn't even know about Gail until her sister Diane Nichols arrived in town a week after Gail disappeared and went to Channel 3's offices with missing persons fliers.

I think the news coverage lately has been terrific, very much needed and hopefully will have some positive results. In the meantime, if you're reading this and have information, any information about Gail, please contact:

* The FBI Chattanooga office at 423-756-8914
* The Hamilton County Tennessee Sheriff's Office at 423-209-8940
* C.U.E. (Community United Effort) who has joined in the search for Gail. All tips and leads are confidential: (910) 343-1131 or (910) 232-1687

Gail will be found.

Monday, October 31, 2011

NEWS: Callie Starnes tweets about Gail's case.

There's a lot of stuff to report today, but one of the more interesting things are the tweets from Callie Starnes about Gail's case, tweeted earlier during the broadcast of the 6:00 news. You can see all the tweets using the #GailPalmgren hashtag here.

The most interesting one to me is that Matt took Gail's sister Diane Nichols to court to try to get that $17,000.00 back! Gee, what a nice guy he is.

I've put these in chronological order so you can read them top to bottom.

calliestarnes Callie Starnes
#GailPalmgren The flyer I just held up is the original. I remember the weekend we heard Gail's name for the first time.

calliestarnes Callie Starnes
This is the first time we are showing Tammy Helton on tv. Friends say Gail suspected she and Matthew were having an affair. #GailPalmgren

calliestarnes Callie Starnes
Our policy is to report missing person cases only if police ask. We had to contact SPD to confirm Gail was missing. #GailPalmgren

calliestarnes Callie Starnes
@internalex the money is still with her sister. Matthew took Diane to court to try to get it back.

calliestarnes Callie Starnes
Carol Coppinger is the woman who alleges seeing Gail on the trails. Police say no way to know for sure. #GailPalmgren

calliestarnes Callie Starnes
@internalex Authorities won't release ANY details in case. Friends have given us the VIN number. No hits that we know of.

calliestarnes Callie Starnes
We don't have access to #GailPalmgren's medical records but friends and family say she was not depressed.

calliestarnes Callie Starnes
@_Sofonias_ No, #GailPalmgren's children have not been questioned by police. They could know why she decided to go home that day.

calliestarnes Callie Starnes
The real estate agent who listed the Palmgren home says she's treating it like any other sale, though #GailPalmgren's name is on deed.

calliestarnes Callie Starnes
@_Sofonias_ the TBI is now reviewing the case and offering suggestions. #GailPalmgren

Six Months Later News

Two news articles have gone live online in the last hour that I wanted to post links to:

Gail Palmgren disappearance: Six months later

Search For Gail Palmgren: 6 Months Later

More later tonight...

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Six Months

It has been six months since Gail Nowacki Palmgren went missing.

Melpomene asked in comments on the previous post:

I would love to hear from some of the people who knew her, loved her and are missing her..

Did she enjoy celebrating Halloween? Did she enjoy decorating the house, dressing up and handing out treats to the children in the neighborhood?

I think these are terrific questions. While I did not know Gail, my thoughts today are with her children as they get ready for Halloween and as we embark on the winter holiday season. I wish them peace and closure, and most of all to be reunited with their mother.


Gail was last seen driving away from her home at about 12:15 PM on April 30, 2011. She was driving a 2010 dark red Jeep Rubicon in Red Rock Crystal Pearl color. The Jeep has a tire cover with a blue daisy and "Life is good," and her trailer hitch had a novelty Goofy cover. Her license plate reads "EAZY ST." Gail is 5 foot 8, 135 pounds, with blonde hair and brown eyes.

Gail and her husband Matt Palmgren were about to separate with plans for divorce. In the months before her disappearance, she had given paperwork and evidence to friends to hold for the impending divorce proceedings. Also, Gail had been speaking to friends and relatives for a few weeks prior to her disappearance about fears that she was being followed. She had given several items and even money to relatives and friends to hold in case something happened to her.

Her last phone call was to her husband Matt Palmgren, apparently to let him know she had dropped the kids off at home. She has not been heard from since. Her phone last pinged on May 2nd, the day she was reported missing, and it has not been found. No sightings of her Jeep have been confirmed since the sighting by a neighbor around noon on April 30.

Matt Palmgren did not call police about his wife missing until after her sister Diane Nichols called police first, about 45 hours after last hearing from Gail. Soon after Gail was reported missing, Matt, his girlfriend Tammy Helton, and his mother Julanne Palmgren retained criminal defense attorneys. Neither Matt, Helton, his mother, nor his kids (the last to see Gail before she disappeared) have been questioned by police and no person of interest or suspect has been noted.

Police searched the Suck Creek area in May, reportedly did an aerial search several months ago, and are planning another when the leaves fall. After several months while hashing out an agreement for restricted searches as dictated by Matt's defense attorneys, law enforcement finally began searching the Palmgren homes in July. To our knowledge, nothing was found, but items had been removed from the homes and people had been staying in the homes during the months since Gail disappeared. Volunteers and relatives have searched the Chattanooga area looking for signs of Gail. None have been found, and no signs of an accident have been uncovered.

There are two main theories from the people who say Gail simply ran off. One is that she withdrew (or "stole" as some people put it) $420,000.00 from bank accounts just before she left. Since then it has been stated many times that she did not withdraw money but rather changed PINs on her own retirement accounts. These accounts have not been accessed by Gail since she disappeared, and she never attempted to get the money she gave others to hold for her.

The other theory is that she is in an underground safe shelter for women. Since it has been six full months, I personally feel that by now she would have gotten the legal assistance and protection she needed, and could have resumed returning to her children and her life. No woman would simply languish underground without her kids, her relatives, her friends, her money and her belongings. She would be trying to get her life back. Further, her friends and relatives say she would not have abandoned her kids, and I see no reason for them to lie.

Something happened to Gail. While it's true that she could have been in an accident or done something while despondent, the circumstances and timing of her disappearance point to foul play. To my eyes, it seems evidence of foul play has not been found simply because it has not been seriously searched for.

However, eventually someone will come forward with information or Gail and/or her Jeep will be found. That is simply all that there is to it. It may take time, it may take a lot of luck and even upset a lot of people who would rather this case not even be discussed, but she will be found. When she is found, the truth will come out.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

WRCBtv To Have In-Depth Story on Gail This Monday

Just a reminder as we head into the weekend: WRCB is doing a story on Gail for Monday, the 31st. They already have a promo video up on Facebook, with comments of course.

I'm not local so I will have to wait until the video goes on WRCB's website, but anyone who watches it live at 6:00 PM is more than welcome to comment here, and on BGHN too.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Governor Haslam: Please Include Gail Palmgren In The Reward Fund

According to WRCBtv's recent article, Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam is still reviewing Gail Palmgren's case. A few other cases in Tennessee have rewards offered by the Governor's office for anything that leads to the apprehension, arrest, and conviction of the person or group that is criminally responsible. Haslam's office still has not made a decision on whether to offer the same for information about Gail.

Tonight, I am sending a letter to Governor Haslam asking that he please offer a reward for information regarding Gail Palmgren's case. I am posting Governor Haslam's address (which is public information easily available online) for those of you who want to join me.

Office of Governor Bill Haslam
1st Floor, State Capitol
Nashville, TN 37243

Bring Gail Home Now also has a reward fund set up with a little over $1,700.00 as of right now.

Gail will be found.