Friday, December 2, 2011

Body Found Near Crash Site Likely Gail Palmgren

Remains believed to be those of Gail Palmgren found on side of Signal Mountain. Forensic specialists from UT in Knoxville have been called in to investigate.

Matt Palmgren's criminal defense attorneys have released a statement that puts forward their theory on what happened. As far as I know, law enforcement has not confirmed Gail "lost control of her Jeep on East Brow Road on April 30, 2011 at approximately 12:25 p.m." as the statement claims. Officials don't even know that the body is Gail's, yet Matt's lawyers are already telling us what happened, down to the minute. Unbelievable.


This case has been horrifying from day one, not simply because Gail Palmgren went missing after multiple 911 calls during a bad divorce where her husband reportedly acted in a threatening manner. It's because so many people who should have cared about Gail didn't, not until she disappeared. Some not even then. When people gathered to try to search, put out fliers, help in some way, they were not given the info they needed from law enforcement and were deliberately thwarted by Gail's own family. Several people close to her were clearly put out and even irritated by what had happened. People immediately believed the worst in Gail, not just online commenters posting on message boards that Gail was planning to steal the kids and had already stolen hundreds of thousands of dollars, but her own husband hiring lawyers to tell the media Gail was "flat fucked up." Law enforcement had an obviously blase attitude about the whole thing. And once the case became public, people -- some strangers, some friends, some in the pseudo-media -- used the case for their own agendas, everything from trying to show off on Websleuths to drama mongering to radio show ratings.

On multiple occasions, I would attempt to contact someone who was closely involved with the search to ask questions about the case or see what I could do. Usually I received no response, although many times these same people would be posting feverishly on Facebook or Websleuths about whatever unrelated drama was going on at the time. Yet whenever they were embroiled in unrelated drama, they would email me demanding I change my opinions to theirs, to show my loyalty to "their side," or to edit what I had written here or on other websites.

I am so unbelievably sorry for Gail. I'm sorry we live in a world where a woman can go missing, can have a catastrophic wreck right across the street from homes and not attract enough attention or care to be found until some tree trimmers stumble across her Jeep several months later. I'm certain this will ultimately be called an accident -- Matt's lawyers are already saying it was an accident, even though forensics hasn't even begun to investigate -- and everyone will move on with their lives. Nothing will have changed except some of the people Gail left behind now hate each other, and there will always be lingering questions as to what really happened, but no one will do anything about it.

Gail, I know what your real friends have said about you and how much they cared. I know you left two beautiful children who you loved very much and who loved you in return. You were strong and smart and standing up for yourself in a difficult divorce situation. If there is a silver lining here it is that your legacy will live on in your children. I did not know you, but as long as I live I will not forget you or what this situation has taught me. I wish you peace and rest and love.

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