BGHN mentioned a source in the media:
My source said: "Unless there have been new developments in the past 4 or 5 days no one has been interviewed" ~ that was 09/20/11
Praying4Gail asked:
What about other people like Arlene, Diane, Susie B, other friends like the G's, CC from the siting? Did they say if they been interviewed about phone calls or emails or the sightings? Or any conversations with Gail. What about friends of Matt or friends or coworkers of the gf? In other words, is the LE being active going out looking for information? Or just waiting for somebody come to them. Thank you.
That's an excellent question. Has anyone been interviewed by the PD? We know Arlene spoke with the FBI, but I don't know of anyone else who has been interviewed. Who do you think should be interviewed? Do you think Gail's children should be, or are they too young?
Note: As of Saturday night, the previous comments left on this post are offline while I work on some technical problems. They will return. Read here for more details:
Thanks for your patience.