Wednesday, September 21, 2011


This blog was created to provide information, resources, links, and discussion space regarding the case of Gail Palmgren. If you are unfamiliar with Gail's case, please read here for a brief introduction.

This blog is very much a work in progress. Lots of links and info still need to be added on the sidebar and the individual pages. But as I know some of you feel there is a lack of discussion areas for Gail's case, I wanted to go ahead and open the blog and get discussion started.

Note that I don't want this blog to replace or be in competition with any other online forum. There is room enough for everyone on the internet. We're not affiliated with anyone else of course, but we do use other websites and news sources for our own information, and I assume we'll be talking about these other websites on occasion.

Speaking of discussion, I hope that we can get some good discussion on our blog entries. Before you comment, please take a moment to glance at the Moderation Policy tab at the top of the page. Note that people are allowed to post anonymously here, and no one should try to "out" any anonymous or pseudonymous people. Be warned that if I'm not on to moderate things immediately, some trolling or other problematic posts might go through. You're also all going to be my guinea pigs for a few days! I've installed IntenseDebate to help make comments on this blog easier to read, but I don't know if it works yet, which is why you're all guinea pigs.

So to everyone: Welcome! Consider this an open thread. What do you want to talk about today?

1 comment:

  1. Note: As of Saturday night, the previous comments left on this post are offline while I work on some technical problems. They will return. Read here for more details:

    Thanks for your patience.
