Saturday, September 24, 2011

Problems With Comments - PLEASE READ

There have been a few reports that people cannot read comments on posts or post replies on some or all of the blog posts. First, I want to say this:


I know there is a history of things being deleted from what I like to refer to as the Unnamed Forum, as well as comments removed from newspaper websites and Facebook pages. This blog was created in part to combat those problems, not to perpetuate them.

Since the blog opened, I have edited one comment and removed another. Everything else was left as-is and no one has been banned. However, there are some rules and sometimes things will be removed. I hope you can understand that. If this blog is to stay up, it's going to have to have to play by some rules and it can't be a free-for-all. That means no copyright infringement, no libel or slander, no posting real names of people who aren't even involved in the case, etc.

If you can't post, it's because there is a technical problem, and I need your patience while I fix the situation.

This is a blog, which means the default comments are just one long list where you can't reply to anyone specifically. Check out Swistle for an example of how default comments look on blogs like this one.

That's why I tried adding a different comment system to the blog, but clearly the system I chose did not work, which is why I had to fix it.

UPDATE: This weekend I installed another commenting system which should allow direct replies to specific people. All the comments that were made last week are still here, but if you see one that is missing, let me know so I can look into it!

Look, I know there has been a lot of stupid crap over the last few months, with people online doing some really rotten things. I know you're all probably gun-shy and assume the worst when something goes wrong, but I'm asking you to trust me a little here, work with me and be patient.

If you need to contact me and can't comment, feel free to email me: gailismissing (at)


1 comment:

  1. UPDATE: As of about 11:00 PM Eastern on Saturday the 24th, all prior comments are offline. You can still leave new comments to any post on the blog. Thanks for your patience.
